Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I went for a walk one day to the monastery cemetery.  Along the trail to the cemetery there are Stations of The Cross, a sculptural representation of Jesus' journey to his Crucifixion.  At each station is one sentence telling of what is occurring at that moment: Jesus Condemned to Dying, Jesus Carrying the Cross, Jesus meeting His Blessed Mother, Jesus being Nailed to the Cross, Jesus being Laid in the Sepulchre.  As I passed each one it was like I was traveling that journey with Him.  I felt sadness that he was condemned so unjustly, despair that He endured so much pain, sorrow at the thought of what He sacrificed for us to understand and then joy for His coming resurrection - a second chance for us all. 

Walking through His story helped me to understand that no matter what I encounter in life I know that He is walking through my journey with me.  I arrived at the cemetery feeling peaceful and loved.  I looked at the rows of markers, each engraved with a name - a name of a Sister, Brother or Father that also walked that journey with Jesus.  I was overwhelmed with emotions when I thought of what absolute faith they must have had to commit their life to God with their complete heart and soul.  There is a Cross with Jesus protecting these souls , a Cross that I could only look at and pray that someday I would have their level of faith and love in my heart.

While I was there I took pictures.  When I looked at them later I was, again, overwhelmed with a feeling that God understood my prayer.  I have struggled with what to put for a caption for this picture.  I thought at first was that it warranted some long description - but it doesn't.  Two small words are all that are needed -

                                          PURE LOVE.

Jamie King
July, 2012

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