Saturday, April 6, 2013

Peering Beyond the Prayer Book: Conversing with Krista Green

“Change is good.” How many can actually say this sentence honestly, without sarcasm or clenched teeth? I know that in my own life, the changes that have occurred have been necessary and ultimately good for me, but that does not help me in the midst of the transition, when all I want is to curl up under the covers in my bed and wait for it all to be over. When those days occur, I look to one person here in particular: Krista Green, one of two lay employees working at Spirit Center.

After moving back to her hometown of Grangeville, Krista was contacted by Mary Schmidt, the administrator of Spirit Center. Mary was in need of an assistant, and because of Krista’s previous work experience, she thought Krista was exactly the person for the job. Because she loves to support others, Krista has truly found her niche at the Spirit Center by taking care of the tedious and yet necessary tasks that need to be done. Some examples of this work would be proofreading and taking care of the never ending mailings. One of her primary responsibilities is marketing and she is considered the main writer and photographer for the retreat facility. She also maintains Spirit Center’s Facebook presence. In these ways and more, she truly embodies Benedictine hospitality, helping everyone to feel “warm and fuzzy.” In my own experience, I have gone to Krista more than once about my latest conundrum, ultimately resulting in some of the most profound conversations I have ever had, and I certainly feel warm and fuzzy by being near her.

As the future of the Monastery of St. Gertrude becomes even more uncertain with dwindling vocations, employees and volunteers will be even more critical in the daily functioning of monastic life. Krista has truly felt blessed by her work with the Benedictine community here at St. Gertrude’s, feeling part of the communal mission in making the world a better place. One special gift she brings to this community is her perspective from outside the monastery. Although not a Benedictine sister, Krista has implemented many aspects of the Benedictine way to her own life. She has been affected by her work, and lives a richer and simpler life because of it. As it says in a quote posted on her office wall, “It’s never too late to become a better version of yourself,” and this is the challenge Krista tries to meet every day, and her actions encourage me to see in what ways I too can “become a better version of myself.”

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