Thursday, January 24, 2013

Peering Beyond the Prayer Book: A Day in the Life with Sr. Carlotta Maria

 In Dr. Seuss’s book, The Lorax, the main character is advised that, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” The story itself is a cautionary tale against greed and selfishness, and an invitation to care for all of creation. It is this care of creation that is exactly what Sr. Carlotta is doing here at the Monastery of St. Gertrude.

A bird's eye view of Sr. Carlotta's handiwork
No matter what time of the year it is, Carlotta cares for many examples of creation in the monastery and on the grounds. At this time, her day begins early with shoveling and snow blowing the many paths and driveways around the Monastery. In other seasons, Carlotta will spend many hours tending to the gardens and the bounty that is produced. Throughout the year, she also takes part in maintaining and assisting with the numerous computers and televisions, and has also taken on the responsibility of creating the Nature’s Gifts products. Originally, Carlotta assisted Sr. Theresa Dvorak with the Nature’s Gifts line and now is the primary producer of the items that are available in the gift shop. Carlotta’s work with Nature’s Gifts has become her favorite job, keeping her busy all year long with production and teaching classes and retreats. Carlotta has reconnected with her love of the Earth in many ways here, and even if it means pulling a few (or a lot of) weeds, her effort is beneficial to us all.

Sr. Carlotta hard at work making more Healing Salve
While Carlotta has gained many things by being here at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, she has found it difficult to be away from her family. Nevertheless, the impact that she has on the community and guests is undeniable, and people have returned speaking of the difference she had made. Indeed, even the smallest gesture has had enormous influence, and I can certainly attest to this. One day while wandering the hill behind the Monastery building, Carlotta came across me and showed me some of her paths. Later she would speak of her time on the hill as renewing, and I believe that is what I experienced with her that day: a renewal from a shared appreciation of the splendor of creation. 

Being part of this monastic community has encouraged Carlotta to continue to grow and care for herself as well. This has included healthier eating habits and uncovering some hidden skills and talents, such as an interest in painting with watercolors. Eventually, she hopes to give back by creating a children’s book. Carlotta is also forward thinking in her perspective of where her ministries can go in the future. Essentially, Carlotta hopes to see more of everything in the future: more people, more retreats, more Nature’s Gifts products, and a wider variety of produce in the gardens. None of these expansions will be possible without help, however, such as the currently unanswered prayer of topsoil for the gardens. Together, we can all help to care for one another and all of creation. In our own ways, we are all invited to “care a whole awful lot,” in order to make our world a better place. The best way, in my opinion, is to start right here, wherever we are. For Sr. Carlotta, that is right here on these grounds at the Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho.

1 comment:

  1. Meeting Sister Carlotta was one of the highlights of my retreat this past summer at the Monastery....What a delight she is.....
